This page was last updated on August 30, 2024.


MAPFLC — Music, Art, and Programming Family Learning Center

MAPFLC instructors/teachers — teachers working at MAPFLC, either as employee or as contractor

MAPFLC students — students taking classes or lessons with MAPFLC instructors; in cases where the student is a minor, it is assumed that the student’s guardian is the one agreeing to these terms on behalf of the student.

Location for Private Lessons

All private lessons by MAPFLC instructors are conducted on MAPFLC premises. No MAPFLC affiliated lessons should be conducted outside of MAPFLC premises.

MAPFLC teachers may teach at other schools and/or have their own preexisting private studios, in which case those unaffiliated lessons may happen as they wholly dissociated with MAPFLC. MAPFLC instructors may not teach their MAPFLC students as part of their private studio or at another school while teaching them at MAPFLC, and they may not teach them for a duration of three months upon the time that they cease working at MAPFLC.

In the case of MAPFLC instructors who bring students from their own private studio into MAPFLC, they do so understanding that, if the student enrolls in private lessons with them at MAPFLC, the policies of MAPFLC will apply.

The reasons for this are many, but include oversight, teaching materials and equipment, and insurance coverage. Basically, we want to make sure that both the students and their families, as well as the instructors have sufficient protection and support; and we also want to ensure the best possible experience by making sure that the place of learning is organized, clean, and stocked with the proper learning materials.

Online lessons must be conducted on a MAPFLC-approved platform, and the link for the lesson must be sent securely to a supervisor ahead of time to allow for oversight.

If your MAPFLC instructor ever asks to teach at their home or at your home, please contact us at and let us know. Likewise, MAPFLC instructors who are asked to teach outside of MAPFLC premises are advised to direct students and their families to this policy.

Background Check

All instructors are required to complete a standard background check. Failing to provide a complete and accurate background check will result in hiring delays or denial, and any fraudulent information is reason for immediate removal.

Late and No Show Policy

When a student is late five or more minutes to a lesson without notice, the instructor may assume that the lesson is cancelled and follow guidelines stated in “Cancellation Policy for Private Lessons” below. That being said, please be advised that in many ways an unannounced late lesson or no show can be more challenging for an instructor, which may not give them adequate time to prepare something for the student. While we understand that these things sometimes happen, please try to call if you need to call and/or email or if you are running late.

Students with multiple no shows may be rescheduled with a notice by the instructor after a review by their MAPFLC supervisor.

MAPFLC instructors may not arrive late to lessons and may not have no shows, especially unannounced. Multiple late arrivals can be reason for termination. We take this very seriously. If your MAPFLC instructor is late to their lesson by any amount of time, please let us know by phone or email as soon as possible. We will come up with a solution, which may include refunding the lesson, depending on the circumstances. MAPFLC instructors are expected to properly maintain and understand their schedule.

Afterschool Changes and Cancellations

Once you are registered for an afterschool, you may not reschedule your days. You do not get a refund or any other credit for days missed, for any reason.

For days of service requested outside of your current schedule: For any and all days that we pick up a student from their respective school and/or otherwise admit into afterschool care, we charge for the day (currently 3 hours on regular days, 6.5 hours on early dismissal). For days that the student is not registered, we need to be notified in advance by phone and email (preferably 24 hours or more advanced notice). In an effort to disincentivize these special requests, for days that the student is not registered, we create a separate invoice that is due the next day, with a 5% late fee added to payments received late.

This is regardless of pickup time. this policy is in place for scheduling and safety purposes.

If you need to change your weekly schedule, you must give us a month’s notice, and you are responsible for payment for all days scheduled for the month before the change begins.

Cancellation Policy for Group Classes

Students are not eligible for refunds or credits if you are absent to group class, whether or not advanced notice is given.

If MAPFLC needs to cancel a group class (and cannot find a substitute), then we will give you booking credits worth the amount of the class minus any discounts you received.

Inclement Weather Policy for Group Classes

Regular After School and Saturday Programming: In the event that we experience inclement weather, we will still try to offer after-school or Saturday classes. If teachers and staff are able to be on location, then we will run classes (even if public schools are closed).

If, due to inclement weather, we are unable to run classes for that day, we will do our best to reschedule the class, but cannot make any guarantees that the class will be rescheduled or that the rescheduled time will be one that is convenient for your family. Additionally, if we are unable to reschedule class cancelled due to inclement weather you are not guaranteed a partial refund for the cancelled class. Again, we will make every effort possible to accommodate, but cannot make guarantees due to the unpredictability of the weather.

Notification: We will notify current students by email with the email we have on file (the one you register with when you create an account on the website). We will also post a notice to this website. You may also contact us by email to inquire at You may call our office at 781-605-3711, but we may not be able to reply in time as we do not always have staff answering the phone.

Contracts: For contracts with schools (as with a partnership program), we will do our best to work with the school to find other times to fulfill our contracted number of hours. However, if it is impossible to find a mutually agreeable time, we require that the contracted hours be paid in full.

Communication (phone/email/mail/sms)

In order to serve you, we collect your information, such as your phone number, email, and mailing address.

If you opt-in to automated SMS messages for lesson scheduling and reminders, you should know the following:

As of 2024-04-05, this feature is experimental, but our hope is that it assists those who opt in to keep their track of their schedule.

Cancellation Policy for Private Lessons

If you, the student, need to cancel your private lesson: if you are within the three day time-frame to reschedule, first reschedule online. If you are outside of the three day time-frame your lesson will not be rescheduled. However, the teacher will use your scheduled time to create helpful materials for you to study. You can expect to receive the materials within 2-3 days of your scheduled lesson.

If the teacher needs to cancel the private lesson: first, the teacher will try and find a substitute for you. If, after looking for a substitute, the teacher will contact you immediately. You will receive booking credits to reschedule the class.

You may not cancel your lesson or request a refund if we have found a substitute.

Inclement Weather Policy for Private Lessons

In the event that we experience inclement weather, we will still try to offer classes. If teachers and staff are able to be on location, then we will run classes (even if public schools are closed). If you, the student, are unable to attend your private lesson when classes are running, the teacher will use the time to create helpful materials and will send them to you within 2-3 days.